Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What I accomplished 5/31/16

   Well it's be a long year, but it has been amazing. I was able to get a shadowing experience at 1st Playable, I was able to learn 2 codes, and I was able to work with a famous computer scientist! These valuable experiences gave me the knowledge that I wanted in order to know what the life of a computer scientist. This will give me a head start next year in college when I go into the field of Computer Science and Innovation. Also these experiences helped understand better that this is the field I definitely want to go into. I feel as if I am always up for the challenge and nothing is ever the same. Something different needs to be done everyday, which makes this exciting and eventful. I hope that this experience will further help my skills for computer science. I also was able to be part of the coding club's first year at Emma. It was a great brush up on what I needed to know for JavaScript and python, and it also helped me learn part of another code I haven't learned yet, Python. It was a great way for me to also get a deeper understanding of how coding is applied into everyday life. Everything I did this year were invaluable experiences and I greatly appreciate everyone did in order to help enlighten me as a computer scientist.