Thursday, February 11, 2016

Backgrounds 2/11/16

    As I wrote about earlier, Ron is a computer scientist that is known for making games for kids that are in less privileged cultures than we are. For example, Indians, African Americans, Hispanics, etc. He makes games that educate them about their culture and also puts in some coding into the game, making the kids learn how to code at a young age. This allows them to become interested in the math and science field so there are more computer scientists. I talked to Audrey, and she is a professor at RPI. She is going to help me learn computer design in order for me to make an even better game than I would've ever thought of. Then lastly there is Danielle, she is a biologist who wants the simulation made in order to help educate people about bacteria and antibiotics. The thing is when people take too many antibiotics, the bacteria mutate in order to resist the bacteria, The bacteria are pressured into surviving the antibiotics that are trying to kill them, so they keep that gene that keeps them alive, it takes a giant toll of the bacteria because of how much it costs for them to maintain that gene. If people only went off the antibiotics for a couple months then go back to it, the bacteria wouldn't feel pressured to maintain that gene, so they would go die off again. She is trying to get that message across to the students that will play that simulation/game. In order to make it entertaining, we have to make it into an interactive game for them.

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